Carousell Features

You can enjoy new features on Carousell that will make buying and selling easier and safer.

Carousell offers unlimited free ads in selected categories you can post and the cost of succeeding ones vary depending on the category you’re in.

Buyers and sellers inside Carousell can leave feedback for each other, after successfully completing a transaction. The feedback is based on the quality of the item sold, how swift the payment was and the overall experience of the transaction. The new review and rating features helps create credibility to your profile.

After taking a photo of the item, Carousell will auto-fill the listing description and suggest an appropriate price for your listing based on the prices of similar products that were successfully sold. This makes listing faster and can be done in less than 10 seconds.

If you’re looking for an item to purchase but don’t know what it is, just upload an image in the search box and you will find visually similar listings!

Lesser interaction outside of the application since Carousell has its own functional in-app chat.

To help sellers sell faster and better, we are going to introduce premium visibility features, such as Bump, Top Spotlight and Profile Promotion, to give listings a boost on our marketplace. Learn more about how to purchase the value added services here.

a. Coins: Carousell Coins allow you to buy Carousell features like Bumps, Listing Fees and Spotlight.

b. Top Spotlight: Top Spotlight is a powerful visibility tool that pins your listing to the top of a category for up to seven days. This makes it one of the first things people see when they enter a category or start a search.

c. Bumps: A Bump pushes, or ‘bumps’, your listing to the top of its category and search results once a day. This fresh visibility boost helps get your listing seen by users searching in those categories.

d. Profile Promotion: our third Promotional Tool called Profile Promotion to help you to sell better!Besides promoting your listings using Bumps and Spotlights, with the new Profile Promotion tool, you are able to promote your WHOLE profile.

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